This is The Best Resource for Expat Families

Posted on Feb 2, 2016 | 0 comments

This is The Best Resource for Expat Families

I still remember coming back from the annual Families in Global Transition (FIGT) Conference a few years ago. What an inspiration to hear the life stories of so many global nomads gathered at this annual event. From expat spouses who struggle with the constant transitions to new countries and cultures to the Third Culture Kids (TCKs) who triumph over such challenges as having to start over and leaving good friends behind.


I encourage anyone who works with expats or is an expat to consider attending the conference this year. You can stay on top of the planning by visiting the FIGT website at While gaining valuable insights into the lives of expats, you also come away with new friends, excellent professional contacts, and a spirit of belonging to a global family.


Have you attended any conferences, seminars, or meetings that you recommend to other expats? Particularly any that focus on the expat spouse, international students, or international career transitions? Please share your experiences and recommendations here.



Passport Career provides detailed, country-specific career information and extensive resources about finding a job, internship, or alternative career opportunity.  If your organization, embassy, university/college, library or other institution would like access to our Country Portfolios (15,000+ pages of expert content for 75+ countries and 250+ cities) to share with your students, employees, spouses/partners, and others managing a national or international career transition, please email regarding a free, live, online demo and details on how to obtain a license to access Passport Career.



Susan Musich, Executive Director and Founder, Passport Career


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