Are you planning to apply for a position abroad? If you are, this blog will help you prepare. When applying for a job abroad, it’s important that you learn the different methods that some companies or agencies are currently using to conduct their job interviews abroad, as they often differ from traditional job interviews that are constrained by geography.
As you may already know, most companies like to interview their prospect employees using the famous “let’s get to know you in-person” kind of interviews. While an “in-person” job interview is the most common way to interview candidates, there are other more unconventional ways to do interviews and, now more than ever, many global companies are relying on these new ways to get to know their prospective employees. Read on for the first two ways global employers interview candidates abroad.
1. Phone Interviews
Interviews via phone are the second most common interview types now a day. When using the phone to conduct an interview, the interviewer will mainly assess the applicant’s communication skills as well as the information provided for each question asked during the interview. By studying the answers to the questions and the way the applicant communicated those answers, the employer can identify strengths and weaknesses on the applicant without allowing visual effects to interfere with the impression he/she is getting from the applicant. The down side of this interview technique is that applicants will not be able to see the interviewer’s reaction to their answers, which could prevent them from feeling secure about the way they answered the question.
How do you prepare for a phone interview?
- Be on time. Give a phone interview the same respect that you would give to an in-person interview.
- Study and practice the most common interview questions related to your career field and apply to the phone interview the same techniques you will use during an in-person interview. The only difference with the phone interview technique is that you will have to make sure that the answers to the questions are stronger, direct, and articulate. Remember, the interviewer can’t see you; all he has to judge you on is the tone of your voice, verbal confidence, and the actual content of your answers. Make sure you use all that to your advantage.
- Write down a list of the things you would like to cover during the interview and make sure you incorporate them during the interview. Take advantage of the fact that you have the flexibility of looking at notes during an interview without having to worry about making eye contact with the interviewers.
- Follow up with a “thank you” email. Doing this will not only give you the opportunity to express gratitude and cover others areas that you may have forgotten to cover during the phone interview, but it will also show the interviewers that you are serious about working for them.
2. Skype Interviews
Interviews conducted via Skype are becoming more and more popular thanks to the Internet. Many companies, in an effort to make their vacant positions more “marketable,” use Skype as their main interview medium. Skype interviews are conducted in the same way as in-person. The only obvious difference is that during a Skype interview, the interviewer and interviewee are located miles and miles away from each other. But, basically the other aspects of the interview will remain the same.
How do you prepare for a Skype interview?
- Be on time. Again, it is very important for you to be on time. As with any other interview, being on time shows commitment, respect, and excellent organizational skills. The last thing you want is to be late getting in front of the computer and realize that you have connection issues that could be interpreted as you being late or not taking the interview process serious.
- Pick the place. Choose a place that’s quiet with little to no chance of distraction. It not only shows that you are professional, but also shows you took the time to properly prepare for the interview. Employers like to be able to focus on you during the interview, not on any other distracting factors behind you.
- Dress for the occasion. Remember, during a phone interview, the interviewer can’t see you, but on a Skype interview, the interviewers can see you. This is not the time to wear your favorite pajamas or your gym clothes. This is the time to dress up for the occasion. Pick you clothing as if you were attending an in-person interview. Doing this will not only make you look like the professional you are, but will also help you feel more confident and prepared for the interview.
- Play the part. As with any other interview, a Skype interview requires preparation. Practice answering common interview questions, have all your important employment documents handy in case you have to refer back to them to answer a question and, again, make sure you have a list of the subjects you would like to cover during the interview. The point here is to be as prepared as possible during the interview. You want this job, right? Then prepare for it.
- Eliminate all interruptions. This is a very important piece of advice. Make sure you eliminate all interruptions from happening during the interview. That includes human and any other type of interruption that could prevent you from focusing one hundred percent during the interview, or that could cause the focus of the interview to shift from you to the irrelevant interruption. The last thing you want is for the interviewer to remember you as the candidate whose kids were playing around him during the interview or the candidate who kept checking his phone while trying to answer a question about his excellent work ethics.
- Last but not least, and as mentioned before, follow up with a “thank you” email. Again, sending them a quick thank you note will help you express gratitude and cover other areas that you may have forgotten during the Skype interview and it will also help you show them how serious you are in regards to receiving a job offer.
Understanding the different ways in which you may be interviewed for that position abroad is one of the most important steps when applying for global jobs. Yes, I know, submitting a strong, complete, and appealing job application will get you one step closer to getting the job, but the reality is that having a successful interview is what is actually going to get you the job. So what are you waiting for? Start practicing these two ways of getting interviewed and you’ll see that when the interview day comes, you’ll be more than ready to ace the interview and get that job offer.
Thanks for visiting our blog, and see you next week with the remaining three ways global employers interview candidates abroad.
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