We all spend far too much time on social media, often with no results to show for it. If you love being on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, LinkedIn or any of the other social media apps that are around, consider using them as a strategy in your job search. It’s not as simple as you think, but if used correctly, you could very well land yourself your dream job. Let’s get started.
#1 Get on LinkedIn.
This is the most obvious one so we’re going to start here. Yes, you should create a LinkedIn profile if you haven’t already. Add your professional experience, education, and a picture and start connecting with people you have worked with in the past (and your friends). LinkedIn will usually suggest open job positions that look like they would match well with your past experiences.
#2 Tell people you’re looking for a job.
This one tends to be a little harder for some of us. We’re comfortable writing about our parenting fails or our latest trip on Facebook but we’re not so comfortable telling people that we need something (like a job!). But don’t worry, we’re going to walk through an easy way to do it. When you post on Facebook (or any other social media), people respond when you share your feelings. Your friends usually want to help you! Instead of posting “I’m looking for an accounting job in Rome. Anyone know of one?” you’ll have a lot more luck posting something like:
“Getting worried about finding a job in Rome. Keeping my fingers crossed that an accounting job is going to come up. Otherwise I guess I’ll just be spending all my time eating gelato. :)”
The post tells your friends the same thing but not in a desperate-sounding way that all of us want to avoid.
#3 Connect with people before you get there.
What does messaging people before I get there have to do with getting a job, you ask? You probably know that networking is the most common way that people find a job and the honest to goodness truth is that no one is going to hire an expat that has just arrived in country unless they know enough about them to be sure that the person is a good fit for their company.
Starting to “meet” people before you get there sets you up to meet them in person when you arrive and start creating your community. The person might end up as an acquaintance, your best friend there, or a business connection. You don’t know before you start meeting people. Regardless, an acquaintance, best friend, or business connection can all be helpful in helping you meet other people.
This is crucial not only to your job search but also to your satisfaction with life in your new home. Knowing people and feeling like you have a sense of community (not to mention running into someone that you know when you feel like you’re so far from home) can make or break your time overseas.
#4 Join Facebook Groups in your new country.
Search Facebook for groups like “expats in Rome.” There are many helpful expat groups on Facebook, and joining these groups can help you get a better picture of the job situation before you arrive. Beware of joining the group and immediately asking a million questions about your job search. Join the group, introduce yourself, and then sit back and see what the culture of the group is before you start putting out feelers for job opportunities.
#5 Write something.
LinkedIn gives you a place to write articles on any topic. Since many people in your new country will not know you, it can be helpful for them to have an easy way to learn more about your professional self. If you work in accounting, consider writing a short article (to be linked to your LinkedIn profile) that will show that you have unique knowledge in this area. If LinkedIn isn’t your cup of tea, how about starting a blog that has to do with your career or writing an article for a professional journal?
For more detailed strategies and information about career networking options in your new destination country, check the Passport Career’s country-specific networking sections in the country and city portfolios. Additionally, consider signing up for the Passport Career’s Global Career Training Webinars that also include topics such as Leveraging LinkedIn Worldwide.
Passport Career provides more detailed career information and extensive resources about networking, finding a job, internship, or alternative career opportunities. If your organization, embassy, university/college, library, or other institution would like access to our country portfolios (15,000+ pages of expert content for 80+ countries and 250+ cities) to share with your students, employees, spouses/partners, and others managing a national or international career transition, please contact us (or send email to: info@passportcareer.com) regarding a free, live, online demo and details on how to obtain a license to access Passport Career.