Are you considering the expat lifestyle but don’t have a specific destination in mind? These results could sway your decision.
In 2014, HSBC Expat, based in Jersey, conducted an Expat Explorer Survey to determine a definitive ranking of countries for expats. The criteria spanned three categories: Economics, Experience, and Raising Children.
Leading the rankings as the top countries for expats are Switzerland, Singapore, China, Germany, Bahrain, New Zealand, and Thailand. These countries not only won based on the three criteria, but also based on what real expats in those countries had to say about their experience. Expats in these countries found that when they were open-minded and willing to take the risk of choosing a country with a culture significantly different from their own that the reward was far greater. With this approach, expats found themselves accepted by locals, enjoying the native customs, and above all else never bored. These countries are filled with world-class museums, plentiful restaurants, and outdoor activities on beautiful natural landscapes.
At the bottom of the rankings as the least popular countries for expats are Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, United States, Italy, Brazil, United Kingdom, and Egypt. The countries all scored between 0.35-0.40 aside from Egypt in last with 0.22.
You can access all the data and rankings on HSBC’s website.
Are you an expat in any of these countries? Did you have an experience that confirms the rankings or goes against them? Tell us about it in the comments!
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Bolivia also does unusually well, due to providing universal health care for the elderly and a universal pension plan. A number of Latin countries score well for similar reasons.