4 Vital Cultural Considerations for Global Career Success
Cultural factors play a huge role in both seeking and maintaining a job. Even the smallest cultural faux-pas could potentially hinder your progress at work, or remove you from consideration for future projects and promotions. Cultural competence, therefore, is the key to a comfortable workplace transition and integration.
Read MoreTips and Tricks for Becoming Bilingual
If you are reading this article with relative ease, you are already fluent in one language. This being the case, you likely also have the tools necessary to acquire and become fluent in a second (or third, or fourth) language. Although the process of learning a new language is hardly as simple as recognizing your language learning potential, it is an important fact to keep in mind while navigating your way through the various language acquisition tools and aids available today. Most formally educated adults have had some form of foreign language education in school. But while many are...
Read MoreGet Lost in Business Culture
As Susanne Taylor points out in her blog post “Why Getting Lost is Good for You,” it can be helpful to “get lost” in the culture of another country. Not to “be lost,” as Susanne points out, but to “get lost” by observing the nuances of the country and its culture. Learning the business culture in your new host country is critical to making a strong first impression as well as demonstrating professional behavior to your peers, whether they are locals or expatriates. The nexus of culture and your job search is where you will ultimately achieve job search success. Almost everything you...
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