Oh Canada! Canada is one of the world’s largest economies and trading nations, so it makes sense that it is one of the top locations for internships abroad. Canada has a reputation for ensuring generous benefits to its workforce, and the typical intern is treated well during their internship. The natural beauty and diversity of the country gives interns a chance to explore new areas of great contrast, from vibrant cities to natural wonderlands. What makes it special to intern in Canada?
Language Learning: English is the primary language in Canada. Whether you are a native English language speaker or not, English is recognized globally as the “linga franca” or our time. It is the most commonly spoken language around the world: one out of five people can speak or understand English. English is the language of science, of aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism. If you already speak English, Canada is an easy fit; it is also a great place to improve English skills. But there’s more! An internship in Canada may provide you a chance to work in the province of Quebec, where French is the primary language (thought English is still widely spoken as well).
European Influence: While the majority of Canada is largely influenced by previous ties to England, the province of Quebec retains its unique French culture Montreal is the 2nd largest city in Canada and boasts an interesting combination of French European culture and can-do, hustle-bustle North American attitude. The French-influenced aspect of Quebec allows you to enjoy a genuine European experience in the midst of your North American internship, and the cost of living in Quebec is less than living in the actual country of France. Additionally, Canada has fostered a welcoming environment that embraces a truly international community.
Resume Building: Having experience working abroad can make your job application stand out to potential employers. The world is increasingly globalized and employers are seeking people who have successful experience in culturally diverse settings. Canada enjoys a strong economy and offers significant work opportunities in most fields. Toronto is known for, among many professional arenas, opportunities in the field of Finance. Toronto also continues to be a force in the field of journalism. Vancouver has many opportunities in the IT, Green, and entrepreneurial fields. Calgary is known for oil and natural gas, while Montreal is committed to supported the creative arts and music. Montreal has a booming tech and commerce industry as well.
A Warm Welcome — Availability of Visas for International Students: According to some resources, there are over 300,000 internships available in Canada (for both local and international placements). The International Experience Canada (IEC) program welcomes international internship applications through two portals: The Working Holiday Permit and the International Co-op Permit. You may have heard of Canada’s reputation for openness, safety, and a welcoming environment. Canada has also recently stepped up its open-door policy, offering postgraduate work permits and permanent residency opportunities. It is currently much easier, for example, to obtain a visa in Canada than the United States and the cost of living in Canada is lower than in many countries offering similar opportunities.
Selection of World-Class Cities: The very large county of Canada may conjure images of forests full of animals and few people, and to be sure there are beautiful forests, mountains, and wilderness areas to explore. But Canadian cities are also dynamic and cosmopolitan. Consider these two major metropolitan areas, Toronto and Vancouver: each has extremely different characters and offer prospective interns great variety in choosing a type of city that is most suitable. Located on the east coast, Toronto is often likened to New York City in terms of fact pace and attitudes, while Vancouver, sitting on the opposite coast in the West, combines its big-city living with a west-coast attitude and love for outdoor pursuits. Toronto, the largest city in Canada, has over 2.6 million people and enjoys a reputation as a global city and an international center of business, finance, culture, and art. Vancouver is smaller, rated as the eighth largest city in Canada, but also boasts a reputation as one of the most linguistically and ethnically diverse areas in Canada. More than half the population are not native English speakers, with over 50% of its residents having a first language other than English.
Internships provide real world experiences that are impressive to future employers. Working abroad demonstrates resilience and independence. If you are seeking this sort of opportunity, Canada may be a perfect fit.
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