The PCA Program launched in April 2011 in response to the increasing number of requests form relocation companies and destination service providers (DSPs) who are interested in providing their clients with access to Passport Career.
Relocation companies and DSPs can apply to become a PCA, which allows the company to purchase single-user, three-month, one-destination licenses for their clients’ spouses/partners to have full access to the extensive online career transition information and services available through Passport Career. The spouse/partner can choose from more than 80 counties and 250 cities.
Why would my company be interested in the PCA Program?
Spouse/partner career issues is a hot topic with your clients. They want and need you to provide support and this program is a cost-effective way to add value to your portfolio of services. The program was designed with the input of several relocation companies around the world to ensure it will be effective for you and easy to launch. It involves no immediate investment, and offers your client a valuable service that does not increase your overhead expenses.