9 Must Have Apps for Business Travelers
Business traveling can be hectic and exhausting at times, but your smartphone can help make your trip a little bit easier.
Read MoreBest Practices for Securing an International Business Job Overseas
Increasingly, professionals and college graduates are finding that good-paying jobs can be hard to come by in the United States. To better their odds, some are considering obtaining an international business degree and seeking employment in other countries. Likewise, international business students in countries like Canada and Australia are more likely to seek employment in the country in which they completed their studies, rather than their home country. Working in another country is not a decision to be taken lightly, but can be immensely rewarding. It is important to take the time...
Read More5 Tips to Create a Country-Specific Résumé/CV
Every country has its own résumé/CV style. Passport Career offers members detailed and updated information about these different CV styles in our Country Portfolios. Our Country Portfolios will help you identify the general format and required information for each country. This article will provide a few initial tips to help you get started on crafting a résumé/CV for your destination country. When seeking a second opinion, be sure to speak only with mentors and contacts who are familiar with your destination country’s résumé/CV style and to conduct online research to identify...
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