Don’t you wish there was a pill you could take to learn a foreign language! Everyone dreams of going to sleep listening to language lessons and magically waking up with the ability to speak in a new tongue, but the reality is that learning a new language is hard work. If you are living in a different country, the ability to communicate in the local language can significantly change your experience. Even if your new host nation is generous in speaking your native tongue, the ability to express even basic ideas and questions in another language can improve your relationships and experience.
Fortunately, for those unable to spend hours sitting in language class, there are lots of great apps to help you master a new language, and most offer a free version. Take a moment to review which apps best suit your own learning style.
This app makes a game out of learning with fun activities and rewards. Users progress at their own pace, and can jump in and out with short reviews and activities while on the go or practice with other users by joining Duolingo clubs.
Interactivity is the key for Busuu. This app offers language courses in bit-sized pieces combined with conversations with native speakers comprised of over 90 million users from around the world. The claim is that 22 hoursof Busuu Premium is the equivalent to an hour of college-level language instruction. A placement test is also available for users that don’t want to start at the beginning level.
Subscription Services
As a reputable, long-term providers of language instruction, Rosetta Stone, Pimsler, and Babbel have solid reputations. Their mobile app retain the classic approach to language learning and offer in-depth learning tools. Users can test lessons before subscribing to these services. HOT TIP: If you have access to a public or university library, check out their digital access. Many offer patrons access to these language sites.
Memrise incorporates flashcards as a memory aids as the basis for its language instructions. Offerings include help with local accents to conversation and grammar skills via 20,000 native speaker videos and chatbots.
Different people acquire language in different ways. BeeLinguapp appeals to those most motivated by text. Familiar stories are offered in your own language and the language you are learning,side by side. Audiobook versions are also available to help the learner develop an ear for dialect.
HiNative encourages bite-sized language exchanges. Native speakers and learners are paired to help each other through question-and-answer exchanges. Queries range from basic translations to advice on dialects and local culture.
Another app focusing in interactivity, HelloTalk teaches language by connecting users with native speakers around the world via text, voice recordings, voice call, video calls, and even doodles. The idea is that both parties communicating help each other learn a new language. The Moments feature offers a social media component that allows users to post to a wide community for feedback and support.
Short, simple lessons are reinforced by a variety of games. The cheerful anime design provides an upbeat background as users progress through the program.
Another language app that approaches learning from a gaming approach, the retro-styled Clozemaster focuses on using context to teach language. Fans of Clozemaster post that using the contextual clues to learn new vocabulary builds word banks much more quickly and permanently than traditional flashcard approaches. Many use this app in combination with others to test learning.
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